
At Imperial Services we have made “Total Facility Care” our core business focus. We provide our customers with a compelling proposition for their service. Our company is built around efficient, reliable yet flexible services.
In recent years, many businesses have realised the benefit of having fewer suppliers, giving them more time to focus on their core business activities. Many of our clients are already enjoying the single point of contact and accountability for facility management with us. The experience we have with this integrated approach means you will benefit from the simplicity in management without compromising the expertise in each service area.

Business Models

Underpinned by a commitment to service excellence we make all of our clients part of our family. We also understand as a family we all have unique and differing needs. To meet these different requirements, we work with our clients to develop a tailor made solution and a working plan to meet their needs.

Single Service

When we are only providing a single service, such as cleaning or facility management our customers are assured of competitive prices and quality services provided by dedicated and competent staff.


Customers purchasing two or more services receive the same benefit as the single service, plus the added benefit of integration, which makes labour and cost more efficient.

Total Facility Care

At Imperial Services we achieve synergies by combining different core services into one contract under a self-delivery model. Each and every business has a unique combination of needs and therefore we analyse all service requirements to create synergies for our customers. We have both the management expertise and service delivery experience to maximise the usage of service resources, while minimising operational costs. Apart from our ability to create synergies from the many services we provide, integration takes place between management levels and also between us and our customers’ business.